


One of the most powerful, yet simple, self-awareness tools is guided imagery. It uses words and images to help move your attention away from worry, stress, and pain to help you find your own inner strength and creativity harnessing the natural powers of the mind into health and healing.

The Wise Advisor

An effective use of hypnosis to gain new insights and wisdom is to connect with your inner wise adviser who can symbolically represent a part of your mind that already knows the answer to your question, or is simply able to advise on a particular subject.

By hypnotically communicating with this wise advisor, you can tap into the wellspring of your deepest intuitions. People have been communicating with their inner advisor in different cultures around the world for generations, so what you are about to do is truly a time-tested way of connecting with the wisdom and intuitive knowledge within you. This is a 17-minute guided journey.

Guided Meditation with Body Scan

This 15-minute meditation practice guides us in using the breath, body scan, and a home base presence to find that inner refuge of calm and peace that can carry us through life's ups and downs. Know there will be short and longer pauses for you to be with yourself.

Guided Meditation to Support Daily Practice

This gentle 20-minute guided meditation supports your daily meditation practice. Benefits of a daily practice include the reduction of stress and blood pressure, a state of calmness and emotional well-being, controlling anxiety, and enhancing self-awareness.

Diminish Fears or Worries

The mind does not like dealing with uncertainty because one of its main functions is to protect itself, including its body. Certainty allows the mind to feel it’s in control, and is protecting.

Uncertainty can easily generate fears and worries, particularly when dealing with illness. This 15 -minute guided hypnotic relaxation will help you generate images, symbols, words, and a physical anchor to help diminish unwanted fears and worries.

Expanded Awareness

This 8-minute guided hypnotic relaxation takes you to an imaginary place of expanded awareness where you can view your body from on high, and send the necessary healing energy to it. Any area in the body that needs attention will receive it including the immune system.